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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry :: Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry Essays
Move of Thunder, Hear my Cry A significant thought in the novel Move of Thunder, Hear my Cry composed by Mildred D Taylor is racism. This thought is significant on the grounds that it discloses to us how life was during the 1930s for a little dark young lady who develops with racial clash around her. Move of Thunder, Hear my Cry is about a youthful, dark young lady, Cassie Logan who attempts to comprehend with her family, why the blacks are distinctive to the whites. Cassie, the storyteller drives us through all the catastrophe and inconvenience that her and her family have experienced in connection with the white people in Mississippi. The principal model that shows racial clash between the blacks and whites is the Jefferson Davis School transport, which is loaded with white youngsters. Blacks don't have a transport so Cassie and her siblings need to stroll to school. However, every morning the kids would be compromised by this transport, a transport hunkered down on him heaving billows of red residue like a colossal yellow winged serpent breathing fire. This is unquestionably a result of racism. The whites in the transport appear to think that its diverting with snickering with faces to see the dark youngsters run for their lives. Another model is the occurrence Cassie travels to Strawberry to the market. There she is made to apologize to Lillian Jean Simms (a white young lady) for finding her. Cassie doesn't prefer to get pushed around and she goes to bat for herself. She says, I ain't terrible, and in case you're so terrified of getting knock, stroll down there yourself to Lillian Jean after she is advised to get down in the road. This model discloses to us how the whites can advise the individuals of color to do anything they desire them to do. consequently, the individual of color would do what they are told however Cassie is solid and difficult, and she denies until her Big Ma advises her to apologize. In general, life during the 1930s for the individuals of color was extremely troublesome as they were compelled and pushed around as though they were creatures.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Resistance of a Wire †Triple Science Essay
I likewise will quantify the wire utilizing a meter ruler and will hold the temperature somewhere near keeping the force pack level at 2volts. Device 1. 1 Meter Ruler 2. 1 Power Pack 3. Sellotape 4. Variable Resistor 5. Ammeter 6. Voltmeter 7. Constantan wire Method I associated my circuit together as appeared in the chart above. I connected the wire to the meter ruler utilizing pins. As I continued doing the trial I balanced a portion of the wires to ensure everything was right and set up. Steps: 1. Modify one meter length of constantan wire onto the meter ruler, and included the pins. 2. Change and interface all the wires together 3. Turning on the force pack. The voltage and current are then perused off the ammeter and voltmeter 4. The force flexibly then killed, and the crocodile cut moved to the following position I tallied the seconds of to what extent the force pack was on for to test for the examination, my accomplice at that point read the outcomes, and recorded it, while I moved the clasp to the following position. I twofold checked my outcomes, ensuring I was near the genuine worth, so I had no anomalies. Results. While doing my test on the various lengths of the wire, I twofold checked everything, to guarantee that everything was right, and there was no in-redresses. I recorded my outcomes in the table beneath: Length (cm) Voltage (V) Current (I) Resistance (aâ ¦) Voltage (V) Current (I) Resistance (aâ ¦) Voltage (V) Current (I) Resistance (aâ ¦) 1I saw that I had no exceptions. I at that point determined the methods for the voltage, current and afterward from that determined the obstruction (V/I). R1 R2 R3 Mean Range From the tests and my diagram, I recognized that the more drawn out the wire, the bigger the opposition. My diagram gives a positive connection. At the point when I multiplied the length of the wire, the obstruction additionally multiplied, for instance, when the wire was 10cm, the opposition was 0. 15 (aâ ¦), When the wire is 20cm, the opposition was 0. 31cm. Along these lines, the way that the opposition increments with the length, I have assembled that the more drawn out the bit of the wire, the further the electrons need to travel, which implies there are more particles for the electrons to chance upon, so when the length of the wire copies, the more particles there are for the electrons to chance upon, which makes the obstruction increment. As the length expands, the obstruction of the present increments on the grounds that the current has further to experience in the wire, in this way it needs to go past progressively fixed particles, which cause more crashes, and along these lines there is more opposition. Notwithstanding, I accept that my outcomes are sensibly dependable, in light of the fact that I rehashed my investigation twice, and I twofold checked my counts for the mean. My line on the chart, were for the most part on the best line of fit. Reasonable Test To guarantee that my tests and results were reasonable, I needed to keep variable the equivalent. The factors that I needed to keep a similar where the temperature of the wire, because of the face that the wire increased increasingly warm vitality as the particles vibrated (This would some of the time become an issue when the wire was ‘10cm’, on the grounds that the wire was not as long.) Anyway it was by all accounts fine, which was normal since I picked ‘constantan’, which is demonstrated to have an extremely low temperature increment. Another factor that I needed to keep the equivalent is the material of the wire in light of the fact that relying upon the material, every material behaviors various measures of warmth, which would influence the opposition. Dependability To ensure that my readings were all solid, I needed to twofold check and rehash my examination, with the goal that I could detect any blunders in my outcomes. Utilizing the wide scope of lengths from 10cm to 1 meter permitted me to get a decent scope of results with the goal that I could make a decent end. Precision To ensure that my test was exact, I needed to control the different methods of the tests. One manner by which I did this, was to quantify the length of the constantan. The motivation behind why I did this is to ensure that every one of my tests were exact, and that my outcomes would be near the genuine worth, or if nothing else dependable. Wellbeing To ensure that all the tests are done securely, the force pack settings will be under 5 volts, with the goal that the constantan wire won't get excessively hot and consume. On the off chance that I didn't think about this security measure, at that point it could harm and influence the trial, and give un-solid outcomes. Likewise all packs and outside garments will be away from the examination, in the event that any warmth brings about any mishaps. Assessment At the beginning of the examination, I don’t accept that I began to well, as I was behind the remainder of my friends, on the grounds that my accomplice and I was somewhat befuddled. Notwithstanding, when I comprehended what I was doing, I before long made up for lost time, and was looking flying so far. The length examinations went easily. I found that occasionally, it was very hard to be precise with whether the tip of the crocodile cut was actually on the estimation I needed, in light of the fact that it would make around and so forth. One way I could have ensured that I was doing this precisely, was to ensure I pinpointed, If I had guaranteed this, I would have progressively exact readings, and considerably more exact estimations. Copper Atoms Electrons third Test second Test first Test Show see just The above review is unformatted content This understudy composed bit of work is one of numerous that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism area.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Reasons Why Married People Cheat Causes and Risk Factors
Reasons Why Married People Cheat Causes and Risk Factors Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems Print Causes and Risks of Why Married People Cheat Motivations for extramarital affairs are vast and can vary by gender By Sheri Stritof Sheri Stritof has written about marriage and relationships for 20 years. Shes the co-author of The Everything Great Marriage Book. Learn about our editorial policy Sheri Stritof Reviewed by Reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW on July 01, 2019 facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our Wellness Board Amy Morin, LCSW Updated on November 26, 2019 More in Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems LGBTQ Violence and Abuse There are many reasons why married people cheat. Upwards of 40% of married couples are impacted by infidelity,?? and despite the high percentage, most people â€" even those who stray â€" will say that cheating is wrong. Risk factors such as personality disorders and childhood issues, as well as opportunities such as social media and poor boundaries, can increase the chance that one of these reasons will actually lead to some type of affair. Frustration in the marriage is one common trigger; the cheater may make several attempts to solve problems to no avail. Maybe they had second thoughts about getting married or they were jealous over the attention is given to a new baby and neither had the skill set to communicate these feelings. Perhaps the straying spouse has childhood baggage â€" neglect, abuse, or a parent who cheated â€" that interferes with his or her ability to maintain a committed relationship. Less often, the cheater doesnt value monogamy, lacks empathy, or simply doesnt care about the consequences. We will take a look at a number of risk factors and causes for cheating, but its important to point out upfront that a partner doesnt cause their spouse to cheat. Whether it was a cry for help, an exit strategy, or a means to get revenge after being cheated on themselves, the cheater alone is responsible for cheating. Verywell / Jessica Olah Motivations Differ by Sex Men are more likely to have affairs than women and are often seeking more sex or attention.?? Men express their love in a more physical way â€" they often dont have the perfect feeling words for their wives. So sex becomes an important path to connection and intimacy. If men arent sexually satisfied (for instance, if their spouse declines sex often), they take that rejection to heart, and it can easily translate to feeling unloved. In fact, men are more likely than women to cheat due to a feeling of insecurity. When women cheat, theyre often trying to fill an emotional void.?? Women frequently complain of disconnection from a spouse, and of the wish to be desired and cherished. Women are more likely to feel unappreciated or ignored, and seek the emotional intimacy of an extramarital relationship. An affair is more often a transitional partner for the woman as a way to end the relationship. She is seriously looking to leave to her marriage and this other person helps her do just that. Thats not to say that sexual satisfaction isnt a primary driver of affairs for wives as well as husbands. In one study of men and women who were actively pursuing or involved in extramarital affairs, both genders said they were hoping to improve their sex livesâ€"because they felt their primary relationship was lacking between the sheets. Similarly, boredom with the marital relationship may lead both men and women to cheat. Causes and Risk Factors Theres a myriad of reasons or causes why men or women may engage in an extramarital liaison, but certain risk factorsâ€"either with one of the individuals or the marriage as a wholeâ€"increasing the odds it will happen. Risk Factors With an Individual The general rule is that it takes two to tango, or in this case, to mess up their marriage with an affair, but there are certainly exceptions. Individual factors that may increase the chance of infidelity include: Addiction: Substance abuse issues, whether its addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling, or something else, are clear risk factors. Alcohol, in particular, can reduce inhibitions so that a person who wouldnt consider having an affair when sober, may cross the line. Previous Cheating: The saying once a cheater, always a cheater is more than an old wives tale. A 2017 study was the first to evaluate the credibility of this saying.?? In this study, those who were involved in an extramarital sexual relationship were three times more likely to become involved in extramarital relationships in their next relationship. Personality Disorders and Psychological Issues: People who have strong narcissistic traits or personality disorders such as narcissistic personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder are more likely to cheat. With narcissism, an affair may be driven by ego and a sense of entitlement. In addition to being self-centered, people with these disorders often lack empathy, so they dont appreciate the impact of their actions on their spouse. The particular psychological issues or personality traits that raise the risk of adultery in marriage may differ between the sexes. In a 2018 study looking at personality traits, women who ranked high in neuroticism and men who ranked higher in narcissism were more likely to cheat. Some attachment styles, such as attachment avoidance or attachment insecurity, as well as intimacy disorders have also been looked at in relationship to a propensity to cheat. Poor self-esteem and insecurity can also raise the risk of an affair as a way to prove worthiness. Mental Illness: Some mental illnesses, such as bipolar disorder are a risk factor for cheating in marriage. Childhood Issues: Having a history of childhood trauma (such as physical, sexual, or emotional abuse or neglect) is associated with a higher chance that a person will cheat (if he or she has not addressed the trauma and has unresolved issues). Exposure to infidelity in childhood can also increase the risk of infidelity. A 2015 review found that children who are exposed to a parent having an affair are twice as likely to have an affair themselves.?? Sex Addiction: Certainly, sex addiction in one partner increases the chance that they will be unsatisfied with the physical aspect of their marriage and look elsewhere. Risk Factors with the Relationship Problems in the marital relationship can also be a risk factor for cheating. Some of these include: Lack of communicationEmotional and/or physical disconnectLow compatibility (people who married for the wrong reasons): Low compatibility can lead to a sense of buyers remorseDomestic violence and emotional abuseFinancial pressuresLack of respect Tips for Talking to Your Spouse About Difficult Topics Reasons for Cheating With or without individual or marital risk factors there are a number of possible reasons for marital infidelity. Underlying many of the reasons, however, lie a few threads. One is the role of unmet needs. One partner may be incapable of fulfilling their partners needs, but far too often, those needs have not been expressed. Marital partners are not mind readers. Another is the lack of addressing problems directly. Running away from problems (conflict avoidance) rather than staying and addressing them is another crucial element in communication and commitment in marriage. Some of the reasons cited as the cause for cheating include: Unhappiness/Dissatisfaction: Dissatisfaction with the marriage either emotionally or sexually is common. Marriage is work, and without mutual nurturing couples may grow apart. A sexless marriage is often claimed as a reason by both men and women. Feeling Unappreciated: Feeling unvalued or neglected can lead to infidelity in both sexes, but is more common in women. When both partners work, women still often carry the brunt of the work when it comes to caring for the home and children. In this situation, the affair validates the persons sense of worthiness. On the flip side of this, however, is that feeling neglected may be related to unrealistic expectations of a partner rather than true neglect. Lack of Commitment: Everything else aside, a 2018 study found that people who are less committed to their relationship are more likely to cheat.?? Boredom: As noted, boredom can lead to an affair in both men and women who are looking for the thrill of the chase and the excitement and passion associated with newfound love. Some people claim that, rather than looking for a substitute for their partner, their fling is a way to spice up their marriage. Falling out of love is also frequently cited as a reason for cheating, but maybe a lack of understanding of the normal maturing of love in marriage. Body Image/Aging: Illustrated frequently by stories of middle-aged men having an affair with women the age of their daughters, cheating may sometimes be a way for a man (or woman) to prove that they still have it. Hand in hand with these thoughts, a spouse may cast blame for their own indiscretions by claiming that their spouse has let himself/herself go. Revenge: If one partner has had an affair or has damaged the partner in some way, the offended partner may feel a need for revenge resulting in an affair. Secondary Reasons for Cheating In addition to the primary reasons for cheating noted above, there are secondary reasons that may lead to an affair. Some of these include: The Internet: Having an affair, especially an emotional affair, is much easier than in past, and social media sites have been implicated in many affairs and divorces. Internet infidelity or online cheating is still cheating, even if the two people never met face to face. Pornography: While its a role in marital infidelity has been downplayed, pornography is dangerous to marriage and has clearly been demonstrated to be a gateway for some people. Unfortunately, pornography has become much more accessible to the internet. Opportunity: Periods of absence, whether traveling for work or serving in the military provide greater opportunity for an affair to occur. Not only do these absences allow a spouse to have an affair with little risk of being discovered, but the absence may lead to the loneliness and resentment often cited as reasons. While a long-distance marriage is not ideal, there are ways to keep your marriage strong when apart. Poor Boundaries: Poor personal boundaries, or the limits we place on other people as to what we find acceptable or unacceptable, can also increase the chance that an affair will occur. People who find it hard to say no (being overly compliant or people pleasers) may find themselves in an affair even if it wasnt what they desired in the first place. Coping With a Cheating Spouse Sometimes people have a suspicion that their spouse is cheating but dont have any solid evidence. While often the best approach in marriage is to be direct, you may wonder if it will cause more damage to ask directly. And, of course, the answer your spouse gives could either be the truth or a lie. The best approach will vary for different couples, but if youre concerned, it may be a good idea to look for some of the signs. Signs Your Spouse Could Be Cheating Cry for Help vs. Exit Strategy In some marriages, an affair is a cry for help, a way to force the couple to finally face the problems that both parties are aware of but arent addressing. In this case, the partner often actually tries to get caught as a way of bringing the issue to the fore. Other times a partner may simply see infidelity as an exit strategyâ€"a way to end an unhappy marriage. Regardless of the underlying reason a spouse cheats, it can either devastate a marriage or be the catalyst for rebuilding it, depending upon how the infidelity is dealt with. Can Your Marriage Survive Infidelity? When Youve Been Wronged If you were the one cheated on, its critical to realize that youre not responsible for your spouse making the decision to cheat. You are not to blame for his or her behavior. You may, however, want to explore how the dynamics between you and your spouse led you to this point. Recognizing that infidelity is a symptom of deeper issues can lead a couple to fix the underlying problems in their relationship and grow closer. Women tend to find emotional affairs more threatening than sexual affairs, whereas men are more willing to forgive emotional affairs but for both, the most common response to learning of their partners affair is jealousy. Even if you were the one wronged, working with a professional may be helpful in coping and recovering yourself. Unresolved jealousy can lead to resentment, and as the old adage claims: Resentment is like poison you drink yourself, and then wait for the other person to die. Tips for Coping When Your Spouse is Unfaithful Overcoming Infidelity Some couples can move past infidelity and move on to have even an even better relationship, whereas some cannot. Certainly, there are times when continuing the marriage wouldnt be recommended. Before you analyze the specifics of the affair from your spouses perspective and look at why the affair occurred in terms of his or her needs, its important to look at your own needs. This can be more challenging than it sounds, especially amidst the jealousy and anger. If you were the one who had an affair, there are several steps you can take if you hope to save your marriage. Foremost you need to stop cheating and lying immediately and own your choice. Being patient and giving your spouse space is essential. That doesnt say it will work out. It may not. But without accepting full responsibility (not blaming or justifying your behavior) the chances will be low. The chance that you can get past the affair depends on many factors, such as the reasons why it occurred and the characteristics of both people. To truly understand and move forward, both partners will need to listen to the other (which can be extremely challenging in this setting), and not assume that their partners motivation or feelings would be the same as their own. For those who decide to try and overcome infidelity, it appears that the mutual capacity to forgive and a strong commitment to the relationship are key. A Word From Verywell There are many potential reasons for cheating, and marriage is complicated. But speaking directly, expressing your needs, practicing forgiveness, and making a commitment to work on your marriage daily are the best insurance plan to protect your marriage. The 6 Best Online Marriage Counseling Programs
Friday, May 22, 2020
Network Security And Security Assessment - 1194 Words
Network Security Assessment Network Security is a very dynamic and technical field dealing with all aspects of scanning, hacking and securing systems against intrusion. It is more than just encrypting user data, virtual private networks or installing firewalls. Network security consists of the provision, policies adopted by a network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources (Xie, 2013). Network Security assessments are carried out by ethical hackers, to find vulnerabilities in the system’s security that would enable a malicious hacker or intruder access to the network. An Ethical hacker is a security professional that performs pen tests by using software tools and techniques as malicious hackers. Their goal is to exploit vulnerabilities in a system or network to find weakness in one or more if the four elements of security. There are five distinct phases in ethical hacking: Phase I: Reconnaissance: This involves gathering information about a potential target without the targeted company’s knowledge. Phase II: Scanning – This phase involves taking the information discovered during the reconnaissance and using it to examine the network. Phase III: Gaining Access – It is during this phase where the vulnerabilities of the system are exploited to gain access to the target system. Phase IV: Maintaining Access – With access to the system, the hacker then secures their access forShow MoreRelatedVulnerability Assessment Of The Network Security1281 Words  | 6 Pagesincreased security risks. Many of these risks are as result of hacking, improper uses of network resources and network device vulnerabilities. Awareness of the various weaknesses and vulnerabilities is vital to the success of current networks (Kizza, 2013). The network security incidents are increasing at a disturbing rate every year. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Comparing Brutus And Cassius Comparing Humans Essay
To compare humans you are simply comparing ideas. Thoughts, experiences and philosophies that all combine together to create individuals. Two experiences and two people who see the same scenario with different perspectives. Such is the way with Brutus and Cassius. This pair of Roman senators shows us the difficulty of having a realist and an idealist work together, yet the pair manages to overcome their different views on the world to work together and assassinate â€Å"the foremost man of all this world.†Though, the pair of friends and lovers differences does not simply end at idealism versus realism. The pair seems to be naturally against each other in terms as ideas, it’s a wonder that with such different personalities, oeadership and†¦show more content†¦This scene happens to show us how idealism and realism can clash as the two have a disagreement over what course of action to take. The argument, however doesn’t take us deeper as Cassius’s r ealistic point of view is overshadowed by his need to have Brutus on the side of the conspirators. Though, it does show us the beginning of what can possibly be a very slippery slope of future disagreements. The opinions of our conspirators on the main stage are highly varied as they both have two completely different ways of leading others. Brutus for one was a strong and honorable man, forcing himself to stand tall and do whatever the noble thing is no matter what the resulting consequence would be. If it was something that could have been deemed dishonorable then Brutus wouldn’t give it a second thought. Honor was Brutus’s selection of tactics, no matter which way the wind would blow. This is shown in the play when Brutus refuses the oath in act two, scene one. His honorable tactics were what paved his road when he said that they should head to Philippi to meet Octavius and Antony in act four scene three, rather than wait for them to wear themselves out. This shows his honorable nature by presenting us with the fact that he would rather meet his opponent half way and defeat them on equal grounds rather than wait for them to approach and to fight with them when they were at aShow MoreRelatedEssay about Rhetoric in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar1801 Words  | 8 PagesCassius, Brutus, and Antony use rhetoric successfully in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, albeit each differently and for different causes. Each of these men uses his skills in rhetoric to convince each other and at some points the entire population of Rome to follow his beliefs. However, each of these men has different motivations to do so, as well as different characteristics and general worldviews. Cassius uses rhetoric successfully to persuade Brutus to come over to his causeâ€â€killing JuliusRead MoreFeds vs Anti-Feds3174 Words  | 13 Pagesdropping Brandi by, I appreciate your comments. Left to his devices, I think Hamilton would have gone too far in his desire to see only the wealthy have a strong voice in the government. However, I think Jefferson was relying far too heavily on human nature to keep law and order and showed a surprisingly naive lack of vision for the future of the nation. The combination of the two ideologies was the best possible scenario, in my opinion. As to support for the French Revolution, while itRead MoreEmersons Self Reliance5249 Words  | 21 Pagesas outcasts for their original ideasÂâ€"and scorned as such by their peers. Notable among these figures is Jesus Christ. What appears to be inconsistency is often a misunderstanding based on distortion or perspective. Emerson develops this idea by comparing the progress of a persons thoughts to a ship sailing against the wind: In order to make headway, the ship must tack, or move in a zigzag line that eventually leads to an identifiable end. In the same way, an individuals apparently contradictory
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Road Traffic Noise Free Essays
1 . R O A D T R A F F I C N O I S E S T R A T E G Y As our towns and cities continue to grow, so too does the volume of traffic travelling on our roads. While this traffic represents an essential part of society’s development and prosperity, it is also a growing source of concern for the community. We will write a custom essay sample on Road Traffic Noise or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper discusses many of the issues relating to the impact of road traffic noise on the community. Section 1 outlines the proposed Road Traffic Noise Strategy, its scope, development and how you can contribute. Section 2 contains information on the ffects, levels and sources of traffic noise, and outlines the current programs that contribute to reductions in road traffic noise in Victoria. 1. 1 Scope and Purpose of this Paper This background paper is the start of a process to develop an integrated Road Traffic Noise Strategy (the strategy) for Victoria. This background paper:  · explains what a road traffic noise strategy is;  · explains how the strategy will be developed, including how you can contribute to the process;  · provides information about the effects, levels and sources of road traffic noise in Victoria Section 2); and  · outlines current programs that address road traffic noise issues (Section 2). 1. 2 What is a Road Traffic Noise Strategy? A road traffic no ise strategy is a plan for managing the noise from motor vehicles on the road network. The strategy will guide the activity of government, business and the community to achieve reductions in road traffic noise over time. Solutions to address road traffic noise are not often found in a single program but rely on combinations of programs. The strategy therefore needs a broad range of tools for reducing the impact of road traffic oise. An integrated traffic noise strategy will require administration from a number of organisations to implement the elements of the strategy over the short, medium and long term. The strategy will contain a range of tools such as:  · a State environment protection policy (SEPP) for providing the policy framework and setting legal standards for noise levels from roads;  · national processes for the development of regulations and programs to reduce noise from the motor vehicle;  · programs for managing noise from roads by VicRoads and local government How to cite Road Traffic Noise, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Time Machine Essays (1505 words) - The Time Machine, Morlock
The Time Machine Time traveling, a concept known to modern man as inconceivable, but in The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells, this fathom of human fantasy has come to life. Wells entangles a unique blend of contrasting characters, conflicts of capitalist verses laborer divisions, and foreshadowing of the destruction of humanity to seem together this novel of visionary proportions. The Time Machine is a bleak and sober vision of mans place in the Universe.(McConnell Pg.1581) Wells use of characters in The Time Machine brings a heavy sense of contrast and diversity into the story. There are five main characters around which the story revolves. Beginning with the Eloi and the Morlocks, which are the two branches of humanity in the year 802,701. The Eloi, who are our capitalist force, and whom resemble modern humans the most, live above ground and feed on the vast vegetation that has engulfed the Earth. The Eloi are lazy and mind spans to that of a five-year-old. The Eloi never fully mature for the cannibalistic Morlocks harvest them at a certain age as food. The Eloi are described as fair of skin and hair and are considered childlike and frail. Fragile little creatures perhaps four feet tall, they pass their time in playing gently, in bathing in the river, in making love in a half-playful fashion, in eating fruit and sleeping. Human vigor and energy have passed into languor and decay.(McConnell Pg.3865) The Eloi live in splendid castles, but these beautifu l porcelain castles are crumbling because of a lack of maintenance due to inferiority and lack of concern from the Eloi. But a second look reveals that is only a ruined splendor. All human artifacts are slowly crumbling. Some of the buildings are already gone, and even the many still-standing buildings, in which the surface people live, are decaying.(McConnell Pg.3865) The second branch is the race known as the Morlocks. The Morlocks, on the other hand from the Eloi, are the laborer and harsher branch of humanity. The Morlocks are hairy and monstrous creatures with red glowing eyes and razor sharp teeth. He is supprised to learn of another people, the Morlocks, ugly, fearsome, and subterranean.(Molson Pg.600) The Morlocks live under ground in a subterranean environment running machines and underground factories. Due to their adaptations to their underground living environment, the Morlocks only come to the upper world in the dark, for they cannot stand the glare of sunlight. They are strange little beings whose pallid bodies are just the half-bleached color of the worms and things one sees preserved in spirit in a zoological museum. They are chinless, and in their faces are set great lidless, pinkish grey eyes that glow of red. At night they leave their subterranean world to hunt down Eloi for food.(McConnell Pg.3865) The next character is the Time Traveler himself, who remains nameless throughout the whole novel. He is an inventor with an infatuation of the future and Darwins theory of the fourth dimension. The Time Traveler is middle class citizen, just as Wells was in his day. The traveler is highly concerned with the world to come and has spent years perfecting his spectacular machine. It took two years to make, retorted the Time Traveler.(Wells Pg.14) The next character is Weena. Weena is one of the Eloi who befriends the Time Traveler after he saves her from drowning in a nearby stream. Even though, in the beginning, the Time Traveler states that no gender can be determined of these creatures, he seems to be sure that Weena is female. The way Weena acts around the Time Traveler is like that of a pet or small child. She cannot perform any humane actions, talking, logically thinking, Etc. It is also no accident that language itself has declined to a very simple level, for language is what marks the human intellectual capacity to question, evaluate, and explore. Weena can do none of these things.(Magill Pg.867) Lastly there is the narrator of the story, Mr. Hillyer. Mr. Hillyer doesnt really play a main image in the story line, he is merely there to relay the story. Mr. Hillyer is a guest of the Time Traveler, who has been invited to dinner. Mr. Hillyers curiosity gets the
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