Sunday, January 26, 2020
Impact of Normans Conquest on Ireland
Impact of Normans Conquest on Ireland Daragh Mc Mullan  Use archaeological, historical and literary evidence to assess the impact of the Norman conquest on Irelands political, social, economic and cultural systems. Introduction The Norman conquest of Ireland commenced in 1169, the immediate aftermath saw Ireland under a rotation of control by Anglo Norman lords and the King of England with challenge from the Irish. Up to this point, Ireland had seen recurrent conflict between provincial kingdoms who strived for High King status and the arrival of the Normans would throw what structure the Irish had into disarray. The invaders had a long history with conquering foreign lands but this time there were numerous distractions and troublesome conquests elsewhere to deal with. These distractions would almost result in a loss of control in Ireland and defeat to the native Irish. (, n.d.) Political Impact In the mid-12th and early 13th century there was major political change for the Irish. The King of England made Ireland a Lordship of his own empire and because of this the Irish went from securing title by defeat of local rivals to battling for possession of their own land from foreigners. The formation of the Parliament of Ireland in 1297 allowed the Anglo-Norman Lords to exercise control and implement their politics. At this time the island was politically divided into several overkingdoms, the main focal point was the Abbey. The Irish legal system known as the Brehon Law continued outside the controlled area but prisons were established as per Henry IIs reforms. Overall the Norman political impact was substantial but it lacked structure and more importantly continuity, and the troublesome times during the early and mid-14th century resulted in a loss of control and Ireland was far from under complete control of the British for over the two centuries that followed. Social Cultural Impact The social and cultural landscape of Ireland experienced changes, some events were devastating namely the famine and the Black Death. Some events, while chaotic, had good intention. The invasion by Robert the Bruce brought fierce battle against the English lords, there was extensive destruction and eventually the Scot was defeated but during the clash Irish families regained control of lands lost to them in previous combat. During the settlement period the Normans living outside Dublin and the area known as The Pale embraced the Irish language and their customs, they married into the clans, and coincidentally the native Irish also became like the Normans in many ways. Even today we still have evidence of this in the provinces of Munster and Leinster with many Norman origin surnames, Power, Roche and Burke. Towns were perhaps the Normans greatest contribution to their new conquest. The increase in population saw the nobles invest in the construction of walled towns, numerous castles and churches changed Ireland and a system of counties commenced in 1297. The Church made a move to centre the congregation diocese . (, n.d.) Economic Impact The Norman invasion brought a lot of changes to the economic situation in Ireland.  The economy was mainly based on cows, sheep, pigs, goats and the products they produced. Cattle was the main asset as it provided milk, butter, cheese and meat. A herd of any type was considered a wealth and had the added benefit that it could be moved to safety in times of war. The Normans began to import tenants to occupy and work their newly acquired lands, horticulture was practiced prior to the Norman settlement, the main crops being oats, wheat and barley, but this increased during this time. This would boost the agricultural trade and was one of the many changes brought by the Norman invasion and occupation of Ireland. They introduced feudalism to the existing native tribal-dynastic crop-sharing system. Feudalism was intended to introduce cash payments into farming. Money was rarely used in medieval Gaelic society, as payment was normally made in goods or serv ice. (, n.d.) Conclusion The transition from a nation to being part of the Tudor conquest was a turbulent road for the Irish.  In the end the continuous rebellion was not enough to free them from the grasp of the expanding British Crowned forces. They co-existed to a certain extent with the placed nobles and later with the Hiberno Normans but the Monarchy expected a respect from the Gaelic Irish that just would not be given. The decline of the Monastic Abbeys and then the pressure on Christianity by newly founded rival churches and the implication of surrender and regrant where the Irish had to abandon their land, culture and religion in exchange for an English earldom meant that the ordinary native Irish people stood little chance at retaining their identity against the Tudor expansion. (, n.d.) Barry, T. (1987). The Archaeology of Medieval Ireland. London: Routledge. Ellis, S. G. (1998). Ireland in the Age of the Tudors 1447-1603. London: Longman. (n.d.). (n.d.). (n.d.). (n.d.). (n.d.). (n.d.).
Friday, January 17, 2020
‘I Spy’ by Graham Greene
What Is The Significance Of The Title?The title (‘I Spy'), is significant because it shows the similarities between Charlie Stowe and his father. Also because without it we would never come to assume that Charlie Stowe's father is in fact a spy, who is being arrested for spying for the Germans or the ‘Huns' as his wife calls them. This creates the effect of dramatic irony as Charlie, who has observed exactly what we see, does not relise why his father has been taken away by two strangers in ‘belted mackintoshes'.How Does Greene Establish The Similarity between Charlie Stowe And His Father?Greene establishes a similarity between Charlie and his father by making them say nearly the same kind of things. For example, Charlie thinks that he â€Å"†¦ might as well have his smoke.†then later on, his father says â€Å"†¦ may as well have my smokes†. These are quite the same, thus establishing a similarity between the two characters. Also, they both use proverbs a lot of the time. For Example Charlie says â€Å"May as well be hung for a sheep†, which is, of course, a well known proverb. His father, later on, says â€Å"Never do today what you can do tomorrow†, again, this is another proverb. A further example to establish a similarity is that they both do the same action when they are nervous. For instance, they both grip their collar when they are worried. We know this because Charlie â€Å"clenched his fingers on the collar of his night shirt†and then his father â€Å"stood, one hand held high stiff collar. Greene further establishes the similarity between father and son by making them â€Å"both do things in the dark that frighten them†.Also Greene specifically outlines the point that the pair are similar when he writes â€Å"†¦his father was very much like himself†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Also both of them are terrified of being caught/are being caught. To further their similarity, they both don't wish to wake their mother/wife, as Greene writes â€Å"†¦he moved with caution and tiptoed†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ,(about Charlie), and then â€Å"I don't want to wake the family†,(about Charlie's father). They are similar, not just by the reasons above, by that they are both spying and doing something illegal. Charlie is spying on his father and stealing some cigarettes, while his father is being arrested for spying on the Germans, which is, of course, illegal. Greene establishes the similarity in many ways, including the ones outlined above, in order to provoke emotion and regret.The Story Is Almost Entirely From Charlie's Point Of View. How Does Greene Achieve This?Greene achieves this in a multitude of ways that are outlined below:-He writes about Charlie's feelings. â€Å"Charlie Stowe was frightened†is just one example of this. He also writes as if we are seeing every thing from his point of view. (literally and psychologically). Greene pens Charlie's experienc e. For example, we do not know from the start of the story that his father was spying on the Germans, it is only near the end we start to relise that his father was doing such devious acts of criminality. The story begins with Charlie alone getting out of bed and then ends when Charlie falls asleep. It is like we are looking over his shoulder all the time. Also, we don't know anything about Charlie, so a lot of the description is left to our imagination, so it is as if we have been plunged into the tale with know prior knowledge of Charlie and his capers.All of this gives off a sense of dramatic irony because, although we still see what Charlie sees, we can deduce things that Charlie cannot because of his limited mental ability as a twelve year old.What Atmosphere Is Created In The Story And How?There are many atmospheres created by Greene. So many in fact that I will only list some of them. These are :-An air of mystery. This is created through description, or rather lack of it! Th is is because we know next to nothing about Charlie Stowe, and even less about his father! Also there is a rather menacing feel about the story. This is because of the use of â€Å"lurking†as in ‘†¦the ‘Huns' who, the monsters lurking in the Zeppelins in the clouds†There is also an atmosphere regarding indifference, when it comes to stealing the cigarettes. This is because Charlie doesn't even bat an eyelid when he takes some of his father's merchandise. Finally, there is a general sense of regret at the end of the story as Charlie realises that â€Å"It would have please him to go down to his father and tell him that he loved him†, but it was all too late for him as â€Å"he could hear through the window, the quick steps going away†.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Competitive Sport And Its Effect On Sports - 724 Words
Competitive sport initially was an activity shared by people as a way of taking their minds off the woes and miseries of life whether it be by spectating or being directly involved with the game. Competitive sport should be used as a way to socialise with friends through an activity which all enjoy. Looking at sport today we wonder how it got to this point of failure. Competitive sport in the 21st century is riddled with cheating, corruption and exploiting the lapses in the system. Money laundering, illegal gambling, pseudo identities, the list goes on and on. I addition to all these filthy traits, sport has been sufficiently supplying serious lifelong suffering injuries to people ranging from early childhood to old age. Sport has become a blemish that is deeply set within our society’s culture. It is well known around the world that sport generates most of its profits not off the spectators nor advertising but the people wagering money on games or races. Of the projected $95 billion dollars bet on NFL and college football in America in 2015, $93 billion will be done illegally. â€Å"Illegal sports betting is reaching new heights of popularity in America states†American Gaming Association President and CEO Geoff Freeman during a press release. The seriousness of illegal gambling in America and around the world is unprecedented and increasing at chilling rates. The 2014 Super Bowl alone generated nearly $4 billion in illegal bets. Many experts and government officials are callingShow MoreRelatedThe Positive Effects of a Students Participation in Competitive Sports558 Words  | 2 PagesA student’s participation in competitive sports has a positive effect on the students’ academic performance. Although this may take time away from studying, physical ac tivity helps improve functionality of the brain. This is an improvement in the student’s mental ability. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Presidential Candidates and the Death Penalty
Unlike past presidential elections, national interest in the candidates positions on the death penalty has waned, partly due to a decline in the number of states that no longer allow capital punishment. Furthermore, the rate of violent crimes in the United States has steadily decreased for 20 years, that is, until 2015 when, according to the FBI, the incidences of violent crime rose to 1.7 percent which included a 6 percent increase in homicides. History has shown that when the crime numbers are up, more people are pro-death penalty and interest in the position political candidates take on the issue becomes more important to voters. Lessons Learned A good example of rising crime statistics determining voter interest in the death penalty was the 1988 presidential election between Michael Dukakis and George H. W. Bush. The national murder rate was averaging around 8.4 percent and 76 percent of Americans were for the death penalty, the second highest number since recording began in 1936. Dukakis was portrayed as being too liberal and soft on crime. He received a fair amount of criticism because he was opposed to the death penalty. An incident that many believe sealed his fate as losing the election occurred during an October 13, 1988, debate between Dukakis and Bush. When the moderator, Bernard Shaw, asked Dukakis if he would be in favor of the death penalty if his wife were raped and murdered, Dukakis replied that he would not favor it and reiterated that he was opposed to the death penalty all of his life. The general consensus was that his answer was cold and his national poll numbers plummeted the very night of the debate. Despite the fact that the majority in the U.S. is still in favor of the death penalty, opposition to state executions is rising: at 38 percent opposing the ultimate penalty for a crime, this is the highest level of opposition to capital punishment. Where do todays presidential candidates stand on the death penalty in the face of rising opposition against it? The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 was signed into law by President Bill Clinton. It was the largest crime bill in U.S. history. Along with adding major funding for 100,000 new police officers, it also banned the manufacture of many semi-automatic firearms and expanded the federal death penalty.  It has been said in retrospect, that the bill was also responsible for the large increase in African American and Hispanic incarceration. As the first lady, Hillary Clinton was a strong advocate of the bill and lobbied for it in Congress. She has since spoken out against part of it, saying that it is time to revisit it. While in the House, Bernie Sanders also voted in favor of the bill, but he originally supported a revised bill that abolished the federal death penalty in exchange for life sentences. When the revised bill was rejected, Sanders voted for the final bill that included the expansion of the federal death penalty. Spokespersons for Sanders have said that his support was due largely to the Violence Against Women Act and assault weapons ban. Hillary Clinton Supports the Death Penalty (But Struggles With It) Hillary Clinton has taken a more cautious stand than Sanders. During the same February MSNBC debate, Clinton said that she was concerned about how the death penalty is handled on a state level and that she has a lot more confidence in the federal system. â€Å"For very limited, particularly heinous crimes, I believe it is an appropriate punishment, but I deeply disagree with the way that too many states are still implementing it,†Clinton said. Clinton was also confronted with questions about her views on the death penalty during a CNN-hosted Democratic town hall on March 14, 2016. Ricky Jackson, an Ohio man who spent 39 years in prison and came â€Å"perilously close†to being executed, and who was later found to be innocent, was emotional when he asked Clinton, In light of what Ive just shared with you and in light of the fact that there are undocumented cases of innocent people who have been executed in our country. I would like to know how you can still take your stance on the death penalty. Clinton again voiced her concerns, saying, The states have proven themselves incapable of carrying out fair trials that give any defendant all the rights that defendants should have... She also said she would breathe a sigh of relief if State Supreme Courts eliminated the death penalty. She then added that she still supported it in rare cases on a federal level for terrorist and mass murderers. â€Å"If it were possible to separate the federal from the state system by the Supreme Court,†Clinton added, confusingly, â€Å"that would, I think, be an appropriate outcome,†a statement some critics referred to as back peddling. Donald Trump Supports the Death Penalty (and Would Likely Inject the Needle)  On December 10, 2015, Donald Trump announced to several hundred police union members in Milford, New Hampshire, that one of the first things he would do as president would be to sign a statement that anybody that kills a police officer would get the death penalty. He made the announcement after he accepted the endorsement of the New England Police Benevolent Association. One of the first things I would do, in terms of making an executive order if I win, would be to sign a strong, strong statement that will go out to the countryâ€â€out to the worldâ€â€that anybody killing a policeman, policewoman, a police officerâ€â€anybody killing a police officer, the death penalty. Its going to happen, OK? We can’t let this go. In 1989, Trump earned his pro-death penalty status after taking out a full-page ad in four New York City newspapers titled, BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY! BRING BACK THE POLICE! It was assumed that his actions were in reference to the May 1989 brutal rape of a woman who was jogging in Central Park, although he never made reference to the attack. Known as the case of the Central Park Five, the sentences of the five males convicted of the rape were later vacated after serial rapist and murderer, Matias Reyes, confessed to the crime. The DNA evidence was reexamined and matched Reyes and it was the only semen found on the victim. In 2014, the Central Park Five settled a civil case with the city for $41 million dollars. It has also been said that Trump was furious about it.
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