Friday, May 22, 2020
Network Security And Security Assessment - 1194 Words
Network Security Assessment Network Security is a very dynamic and technical field dealing with all aspects of scanning, hacking and securing systems against intrusion. It is more than just encrypting user data, virtual private networks or installing firewalls. Network security consists of the provision, policies adopted by a network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources (Xie, 2013). Network Security assessments are carried out by ethical hackers, to find vulnerabilities in the system’s security that would enable a malicious hacker or intruder access to the network. An Ethical hacker is a security professional that performs pen tests by using software tools and techniques as malicious hackers. Their goal is to exploit vulnerabilities in a system or network to find weakness in one or more if the four elements of security. There are five distinct phases in ethical hacking: Phase I: Reconnaissance: This involves gathering information about a potential target without the targeted company’s knowledge. Phase II: Scanning – This phase involves taking the information discovered during the reconnaissance and using it to examine the network. Phase III: Gaining Access – It is during this phase where the vulnerabilities of the system are exploited to gain access to the target system. Phase IV: Maintaining Access – With access to the system, the hacker then secures their access forShow MoreRelatedVulnerability Assessment Of The Network Security1281 Words  | 6 Pagesincreased security risks. Many of these risks are as result of hacking, improper uses of network resources and network device vulnerabilities. Awareness of the various weaknesses and vulnerabilities is vital to the success of current networks (Kizza, 2013). The network security incidents are increasing at a disturbing rate every year. As the complexity of these threats increases, so do the security measures required to protect networks. Enterprise data center operators and analysts, network administratorsRead MoreNetwork Security Assessment : Questions Essay2284 Words  | 10 Pages Network Security Assessment Prepared for: University of Maryland University College Prepared by: Erik Milkie â€Æ' I. Vulnerability Assessments Use this section to describe any network security vulnerabilities. Use the scenario along with industry standards and best practices to identify the vulnerabilities. Describe why it is vulnerable and what the implication is if it is not mitigated. In this section, we are identifying vulnerabilities of the firm and simple ways to make it safer. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Comparing Brutus And Cassius Comparing Humans Essay
To compare humans you are simply comparing ideas. Thoughts, experiences and philosophies that all combine together to create individuals. Two experiences and two people who see the same scenario with different perspectives. Such is the way with Brutus and Cassius. This pair of Roman senators shows us the difficulty of having a realist and an idealist work together, yet the pair manages to overcome their different views on the world to work together and assassinate â€Å"the foremost man of all this world.†Though, the pair of friends and lovers differences does not simply end at idealism versus realism. The pair seems to be naturally against each other in terms as ideas, it’s a wonder that with such different personalities, oeadership and†¦show more content†¦This scene happens to show us how idealism and realism can clash as the two have a disagreement over what course of action to take. The argument, however doesn’t take us deeper as Cassius’s r ealistic point of view is overshadowed by his need to have Brutus on the side of the conspirators. Though, it does show us the beginning of what can possibly be a very slippery slope of future disagreements. The opinions of our conspirators on the main stage are highly varied as they both have two completely different ways of leading others. Brutus for one was a strong and honorable man, forcing himself to stand tall and do whatever the noble thing is no matter what the resulting consequence would be. If it was something that could have been deemed dishonorable then Brutus wouldn’t give it a second thought. Honor was Brutus’s selection of tactics, no matter which way the wind would blow. This is shown in the play when Brutus refuses the oath in act two, scene one. His honorable tactics were what paved his road when he said that they should head to Philippi to meet Octavius and Antony in act four scene three, rather than wait for them to wear themselves out. This shows his honorable nature by presenting us with the fact that he would rather meet his opponent half way and defeat them on equal grounds rather than wait for them to approach and to fight with them when they were at aShow MoreRelatedEssay about Rhetoric in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar1801 Words  | 8 PagesCassius, Brutus, and Antony use rhetoric successfully in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, albeit each differently and for different causes. Each of these men uses his skills in rhetoric to convince each other and at some points the entire population of Rome to follow his beliefs. However, each of these men has different motivations to do so, as well as different characteristics and general worldviews. Cassius uses rhetoric successfully to persuade Brutus to come over to his causeâ€â€killing JuliusRead MoreFeds vs Anti-Feds3174 Words  | 13 Pagesdropping Brandi by, I appreciate your comments. Left to his devices, I think Hamilton would have gone too far in his desire to see only the wealthy have a strong voice in the government. However, I think Jefferson was relying far too heavily on human nature to keep law and order and showed a surprisingly naive lack of vision for the future of the nation. The combination of the two ideologies was the best possible scenario, in my opinion. As to support for the French Revolution, while itRead MoreEmersons Self Reliance5249 Words  | 21 Pagesas outcasts for their original ideasÂâ€"and scorned as such by their peers. Notable among these figures is Jesus Christ. What appears to be inconsistency is often a misunderstanding based on distortion or perspective. Emerson develops this idea by comparing the progress of a persons thoughts to a ship sailing against the wind: In order to make headway, the ship must tack, or move in a zigzag line that eventually leads to an identifiable end. In the same way, an individuals apparently contradictory
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Road Traffic Noise Free Essays
1 . R O A D T R A F F I C N O I S E S T R A T E G Y As our towns and cities continue to grow, so too does the volume of traffic travelling on our roads. While this traffic represents an essential part of society’s development and prosperity, it is also a growing source of concern for the community. We will write a custom essay sample on Road Traffic Noise or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper discusses many of the issues relating to the impact of road traffic noise on the community. Section 1 outlines the proposed Road Traffic Noise Strategy, its scope, development and how you can contribute. Section 2 contains information on the ffects, levels and sources of traffic noise, and outlines the current programs that contribute to reductions in road traffic noise in Victoria. 1. 1 Scope and Purpose of this Paper This background paper is the start of a process to develop an integrated Road Traffic Noise Strategy (the strategy) for Victoria. This background paper:  · explains what a road traffic noise strategy is;  · explains how the strategy will be developed, including how you can contribute to the process;  · provides information about the effects, levels and sources of road traffic noise in Victoria Section 2); and  · outlines current programs that address road traffic noise issues (Section 2). 1. 2 What is a Road Traffic Noise Strategy? A road traffic no ise strategy is a plan for managing the noise from motor vehicles on the road network. The strategy will guide the activity of government, business and the community to achieve reductions in road traffic noise over time. Solutions to address road traffic noise are not often found in a single program but rely on combinations of programs. The strategy therefore needs a broad range of tools for reducing the impact of road traffic oise. An integrated traffic noise strategy will require administration from a number of organisations to implement the elements of the strategy over the short, medium and long term. The strategy will contain a range of tools such as:  · a State environment protection policy (SEPP) for providing the policy framework and setting legal standards for noise levels from roads;  · national processes for the development of regulations and programs to reduce noise from the motor vehicle;  · programs for managing noise from roads by VicRoads and local government How to cite Road Traffic Noise, Essay examples
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